De Anima

Ball Gag of Burning Desire

It has been said by the weak of spirit to:

"Be gentle with yourself."

"Forgive yourself."

"Love yourself."

That if you can do these things consistently every day for the rest of your life everything will be peachy.

But I say this:

"Have DISGUST for yourself." For only then will you have the nerve and audacity to be a better version of you. Because the lizard brain does NOT want change. It craves safety.

But the ironic thing about life, is that choosing to stay in your safe little comfort zone is perhaps the most dangerous place you can be.

Staying still leads to stagnation, and stagnant waters are brimming with disease.

Disease of mind.

Disease of body.

Disease of spirit.

Disease that leads to accelerated death.

The lizard brain will lead you to drink from this virulent pond because it is the enemy of achievement, and it would rather have you sick from comfort, than healthy with aspiration.

You cannot eradicate its voice, but you can learn how to muffle it with a ball gag of burning desire.

Thus spoke, The DragnMastr.

The Exit

There it was–the exit. I opened the door, and glanced inside–darkness and departure. I turned around and reminded Myself of what I was leaving behind–darkness and dissolution.

The darkness may never snuff out, but your tolerance for ruination certainly does.

Do not be afraid to walk the corridors of those shadows, for your inner flames will guide you to fruition.

A Delirium From Disillusionment

A mournful aura suspended the promise of tomorrow, and I could see Hirsutus Puella grieving the loss of feminine independence.

Lamentations asphyxiated the oxygen in the surrounding air, as the grey mass of Lasciva Libido’s words contorted into parasitic larvae that consumed her peace of mind with gluttonous diligence.

I stood there, bereaving not only the disillusionment and death of a cherished idol, but the disillusionment and death of an unlived future kneeled before the altar of My desires.

Whether I liked it or not, My sojourn was redirecting My gaze, away from the delirium of that comfortable corner of life.

I was set free, and what was most unsettling, was that I knew it.

A Theater of Fertility

Entire biologies blossomed in that fertile dreamscape, while the climatic boom of timpani drums rebounded off the mossy skin of the trees with a sense of urgency. The primordial heartbeat of the forest was alive! And we were amidst the pulse.

The Flexilis Pupa, fittingly, sat atop the crown canopy, looking down at the spectacle in whole. She wore a modified, fungal headdress made of the most delicately-interwoven wolf lichens, and a pair of XY areoli that she defiantly revealed. 


At that moment, the foreboding microvibrations of unraveling plumerian petals pitapatted throughout our eardrums, like a flood of baby rats scurrying across hardwood floors at night.

It was Hirsutus Puella, and she was abloom with bursts of magentas, pinks, and reds. A noticeable arctic mist hydrated the chakras that grounded her passions.

Her gaze was unrelenting and transfixed on us, like a shadow sin that follows you throughout a lifetime. 

The Blooming of Hirsutus Puella

I continued to watch, in oozing stupefaction, while Hirsutus Puella continued to stroke neighboring ovaries with her fertilizing tongue.

Up and down it slithered, engulfing entire anatomies in her mouth at times. This proceeded indulgently for 27 minutes, that is, until she bloomed from her comatose.

They interlocked gazes, and I could feel a premonition start to lick behind My left ear as the wind began to seethe in the cloister.