DragnMastr13 November 17, 2016 Mea Umbra Draco Dominus: Roll #1, Frame #7. DragnMastr13 November 17, 2016 Mea Umbra View fullsize “Open are the double doors of the horizonUnlocked are its boltsClouds darken the skyThe stars rain downThe constellations staggerThe bones of the hell hounds trembleThe porters are silentWhen they see this kingDawning as a soulOpen are the double doors of the horizonUnlocked are its boltsMen fallTheir name is notSeize thou this king by his armTake this king to the skyThat he not die on earthAmong menOpen are the double doors of the horizonUnlocked are its boltsHe flies who fliesThis king flies away from youYe mortalsHe is not of the earthHe is of the skyHe flaps his wings like a zeret birdHe goes to the skyHe goes to the skyOn the windOn the wind” — Akhnaten. Act 1, Verses 1-3. Philip Glass.