Red Opulence of a Present Mind

Amongst the crowd I was addressing, there was a young skeptic who attempted to rattle the clarity and focus of the message. She heckled, "And what of the color red Dragon Master? Can there ever be enough in our lives?"

Sensing that My light was beclouded by her shade, I approached from a different angle:


You who possess the profound beauty of a red rose prick up ears to hear the message of a decaying man.

It is incredibly thrilling to wake up each morning with something inside you that is using your body to kill itself, and ending the day alive and victorious in spite of it.

But you do not have to be on the brink of mortality to immerse yourself in life. For your undeniable allure and attraction is cherished by the senses, cherishing the present moment. And that is all you can really glorify: the present moment.

So keep those seductive lips redโ€“red with passion, red with vitality, red with life. For there can never be enough red in your life, and your pulse will thank you for it."

Having recognized the message as truth, the young girl became My disciple from that day forth.